Sunday, March 13, 2011

Super Sunday??? I will let you decide

I am proud to announce that I went running outside today!!!!  Yippee, that is so much nicer that running on the treadmill.    15 miles  .  These defiantly were not the prettiest 15 miles but overall I really cant complain.    I ran / walked the entire thing,  not sure why but I decided that I was going to take that approach for this one (since 15 miles in starting to cross into the crazy mileage).    When I left the house my goal was 2:30,  that is slower than I have been running on the treadmill but really that is my marathon pace goal.  I would LOVE to finish the marathon with  a 10min/ mile avg. 

Everything was going great.  I was holding just under a 10 min/ mile avg coming in mile 10. THEN things slowed down a bit.  I  started to get hip pain in my left side (the same pain I got on my 12 miler) and then I got a crazy shooting pain through my left knee. Now having had an IT injury before, I immediately stopped running and started walking for a bit.  Not sure what that pain was about because after a short walk I resumed running the knee pain was gone; hip pain was still there but the knee pain went away.   At about mile 13 I was losing steam really fast, I was really hungry ( realized fueling on pizza and milk shakes last night was not the best thing; of course I should know this as it is Marathon #3) .  I pushed on though,  only 2 miles to go.    As I said I wanted  to finish no later than 2:30,  and I finished in EXACTLY 2:30.  Little disappointed even though that was the goal I set out with but at the same time I know that I can run it faster.   

Sometimes though we cant be disspointed, we have to see how far that we have come.  So tring to console myself I got out my running journal to see what I wrote the last 2 times I ran this training run  Here is what it said :
* This was training for the Chicago 09 Marathon-  ran in 1/2 mile clips  until last 2 miles ran in 1/4 miles.   Overall happy with run finished in 2:45
* This was last year training for the Chicago 10 Marathon- Ran whole thing except for stopping at water stations (that we had stationed at 1.5, 4.25, 7.5, 9 and 11.5)   Gave it everything I had and finished at 2:29

So looking at it now, this time around I should be ecstatic because I took a lot of walking breaks,  wouldn't necessary say I gave it my all and finished in 2:30 .  Plus hey, I ran 15 miles this morning  !!!!!  It was cold out-  I never warmed up enough to even take my gloves off, but it was so nice to be outside.  

29 miles in this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Have a Super Sunday!!!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I did 29 miles last week too! We are like twins or something. (Or both runners?!) Anyway, the first longer runs of the season outdoors are harder. I often feel the same as you, like ,"I am a year stronger, should I not be faster!? " I have a feeling this will be a great one for you!
